More Greek trouble ahead?
Well, things are getting to the critical stage now as regards the ongoing Greek tragedy. It’s clear that the country’s prime minister Tsipras has removed his finance minister Varoufakis from any and More...

Eurozone Implosion ahead?
So, Spanish banks can’t be in quite as bad a shape as the media would like us to believe – Sabadell Bank has just spent about $2bn buying the UK’s TSB Bank. Mind you, given the way banks can seem More...

Defying the United States, European allies say they’ll join China-led bank
The more time goes by, the more it seems that the USA is losing its grip on its position as the world’s most important country as regards banking domination. It likes to be able to police all banks everywhere, More...

Headwinds for the USA Economy
It’s not Greece that’s in the headlines today – for a change! Mind you, there’s plenty going on behind the scenes in that respect, more of which later. Today however it’s the USA that More...

Greece Turns to Bank Rescue Fund for Lifeline
You may be beginning to wonder why I regularly write about Greece and its ongoing problems. The reason is simple – while the mainstream media seems to be distracted very easily from what may well prove to More...

Heta Senior Bonds Plunge as Austria Cuts Off Aid to Bad Bank
Well, it wasn’t Greece that was the most interesting/potentially dangerous country yesterday – it was Austria, where its so -called “bad bank”, Hypo Alpe Adria, effectively went bankrupt. More...

German MPs approve Greek bailout extension
Today the focus is still on Greece – Germany’s Bundestag voted on the deal to extend and pretend regarding the Greek bailout. Of course the vote was a ‘Yes’ because Angela Merkel has already More...

Currency Wars and the Race to the Bottom
It’s a day for central bankers to say what they think – or perhaps say what the politicians want them to say…. The UK’s BoE governor is hinting at interest rate rises to come, and we eagerly More...

What next for Greece after talks stall?
Well, a perhaps unsurprising end to the Greek/EZ talks in Brussels last night, with Greece absolutely determined to stick to its “negotiating” position of not budging a millimetre as regards extending More...

Greece bailout talks: Compromise possible, says Merkel
The Greek fiasco continues then – today, it’s being suggested that both Greece and Germany may “compromise”. “Technical discussions” are being held ahead of Monday’s crunch More...