
Published On: Tue, Nov 27th, 2012

Forex Trading is it worth it?

There are many aspiring forex traders in the world and although many make a successful living from it, most people fail… in some cases miserably.  This fact begs the question, is forex trading worth it?

This really isn’t an easy question to answer and it boils down to the temperament and knowledge of the trader.

If you are debating this question yourself, the best thing to do is try it!  Don’t begin by using real money – sign up for a demo account and see how you get on in a risk free environment.  Although this isn’t going to be the same as if you are sat there risking your own cash, it will give you an insight into how trading works and whether you will be any good at it.

If you have experience in trading and are wondering whether it is worth carrying on then perhaps it isn’t.  The majority of people who attempt to make profit trading forex fail.  If you do feel that you have potential then our advice would be to learn, learn, and learn. Get hold of every book you can on technical and/or fundamental analysis and educate yourself.  Even consider going on a course to fine tune your skills.  There is some great education online – the spread betting company ETX Capital offers some fantastic education through a third party company for free when you sign up for an account with them. Other derivative trading companies offer similar education.


There is a lot of money to be made trading forex but too many people think they can jump in and make six figures over night.  As with anything in life, it takes time to get good at it, not to mention a great deal of effort.  Spend some time watching webinars, reading books and restrict your trading to minimal sums or better yet, using a demo account and when you start doing well, up the stakes.


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About the Author

- Marcus Holland has been trading the financial markets since 2007 with a particular focus on soft commodities. He graduated in 2004 from the University of Plymouth with a BA (Hons) in Business and Finance.